Henry Corbin and The Cosmic North

The French philosopher and scholar of Sufism and Islamic thought, Henry Corbin (1903-1978) was guided by Sufi mystics and sages whose life and work provide a rich phenomenological framework for situating visionary and prophetic experience.  Corbin's writing draws one into the circle of these mystics and sages as if magnetized by some otherworldly energy and... Continue Reading →

The Journey Inward: Worlds of Mystery and Magic

Our capacity to conceptually distance ourselves from the immediacy of our position in the world—to detach from the subjective processes and forms of life that ground our involvement within the world—confers upon us a degree of self-consciousness that is quite remarkable.  At the very same time, this growth of self-consciousness has hollowed the world of... Continue Reading →

Mnemosyne’s Pharmakon

In genealogical hymns, heroic epics, and initiatory cults, the goddess Mnemosyne awakens the language of the primordial past--the language of the dead--a reservoir of memory from which heroic deeds are drawn, nourishing the present with her clear waters and opening the dark eyes of the future. She fuses together the disparate facets of successive moments,... Continue Reading →

On Aspiration

In Dialogue with the Cosmic Creature Every so often - if we are lucky - we undergo experiences that open us up to wider dimensions of reality, and which alter the trajectory of our personal histories.  Such experiences have the potential to make us invincible.  By disrupting and catalyzing the archetypal mythemes that compose our... Continue Reading →

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